Monday, September 27, 2010

I will NEVER Move again!

As some of you know, I have recently spent the most horrendous week of my life -- moving my stuff into the family home and removing much of my parent's stuff.

I have had all of this "stuff" in storage for the last 7 years and I had no idea how much stuff there is!  I am up to my neck in boxes, furniture, and appliances.  Organizing is a task that has to be taken in tiny sections.  First one thing has to be moved in order to access these needed items over there, which are waiting for the shelves/other vital parts to be usable so that this can be put away!  On and on we go, and where it will stop.....................nobody knows. 

The only good thing that comes out of moving is that you are forced to de-clutter as you go.  For each item that I select to go inside the house, I am proud to say that 3 or 4 items are put in the discard pile.  By the end of the century I might see an end in sight.

I do have a game plan, and that helps a lot.  My focus is to create a home filled with sunlight and warmth.  It needs to be a place where I can truly be comfortable in every room.  The atmosphere should remind me of happy times and the love of those dear to me.  I need plenty of space for the kitchen and kitchen equipment since I love to cook and preserve from the garden.  I want my guests to be comfortable and private.  I need a spacious sewing/crafts room so I can be creative.  And I need to have my garden.

Speaking of gardens, I have already started that particular project.  My father did not believe in a lot of landscaping, so he left me a blank slate.  Since March of this year, I have put in 20 fruit and nut trees/twigs [they are only a foot high or so].  I planted over 50 roses of various kinds including Knockout roses, hybrid tea roses, floribunda roses, and grandiflora roses.  I have a large herb garden with the perennials in place.  And I have installed five 8 by 16 foot railroad tie raised vegetable beds -- complete with cattle panel and steel post permanent trellises!
As soon as I figure out how to post photos of these gardening projects, I will!

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